RAXORB3 is a sorbent of polymeric material based on zirconium hydroxide, highly selective towards polyvalent anions like Si, As, Mo, Cr, Se, that is produced in glassy white spherical granules sizing 0.4-1mm with a density of about 1 Kg/dm³ and with a good mechanical strength (more than 10 MPa).

Typical Product Applications:
  • Potable Water Purification from polyvalent anions (like arsenates, molybdates, chromates, phosphates, etc.), silicon, boron, fluorine and active chlorine (usually in conjunction with RAXORB3A).
  • Purification of Artificial Kidneys circuits and especially for the decontamination of biological liquids by hemo-, lynpho- and plasma-sorption for removing heavy metals, polyvalent anions and toxic impurities.
  • Decontamination of carrier in liquid chromatography especially in alkali environment (pH>9).